Anesthesia nurse/technician is a specially trained person who can assist the anesthesiologist in key life saving procedures/skills in addition to getting the operating room ready for the surgery and play an important part throughout the working of the operating room. He/she can also play an important role in intensive care units and emergency rooms.
The concept of nurse anesthetist/CRNA has been well established in certain institutions, where in addition to monitoring patients who are receiving and later recovering from anesthesia, CRNAs are also entitled to administer anesthetics in specified domains.
Theory Question Papers (Sample)
Model questions from recently conducted theory questions for the course DOTAT (Diploma in Operating Theatre and Anesthesia Technology) course offered by Directorate of Medical Education, Kerala -
Paper I
Section A
Write short notes on:
a) Anatomy of trachea
b) Systemic circulation
c) Fentanyl citrate
d) Neuromuscular monitoring
e) Dexmedetomidine
f) Noninvasive blood pressure monitoring
g) Name various inhalation agents and describe briefly about isoflurane
h) Spinal and epidural needles
i) Different types of endotracheal tubes. Draw and mark the parts of any one.
j) Magill's forceps
Section B
Write short notes on:
a) Functions of liver
b) Gluteraldehyde
c) Vaporizer
d) Blood groups and blood products
e) Ropivacaine
f) Body warming devices
g) Flowmeter assembly
h) Propofol
i) Midazolam
j) Guedel's airway
Section A
Write short notes on:
a) Diathermy
b) APL valve
c) Describe normal capnogram
d) High pressure system
e) Pediatric breathing circuit
f) Pressure gauge
g) Aseptic precautions in operating theatre
h) Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) analysis
i) Anesthesia vaporizer filling system
j) RAE tube
Section B
Write short notes on:
a) Circle absorbers
b) Defibrillator
c) Pin Index System
d) Care of ventilators
e) Safety features of anesthesia gas cylinders
f) Name different types of face masks, methods of cleaning and sterilization
g) Intraarterial blood pressure monitoring
h) Liquid oxygen
i) Tracheostomy tubes
j) Video laryngoscopes
Section A
Write short notes on:
a) Preparation for FOB intubation
b) Sitting position and anesthesia
c) Spinal and epidural set
d) Transport of patients from OT to recovery room (PACU)
e) Tranexamic acid
f) Intravenous anesthetic agents
g) Explain Basic Life Support (BLS)
h) Setting for central venous catheterization and monitoring CVP
i) How will you prepare OT for child posted for cleft palate repair
j) Common modes in mechanical ventilation
Section B
Write short notes on:
a) Setting OT for emergency LSCS under GA
b) Chemical sterilization methods
c) How will you collect blood sample for ABG analysis
d) Monitors used during anesthesia and its importance
e) Muscle relaxants used in anesthesia
f) Premedication drugs
g) Care of patient on ventilator
h) Normal saline
i) Daily checking of anesthesia machine
j) Methods to prevent fire and explosion in OT
Paper III
Write short notes on: (5×10=50 marks)
Epidural and spinal needles
Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring
Oropharyngeal airway
Endo bronchial tubes
Central gas supply
Equipment for IV fluid administration
Safety features of Boyle’s machine
Capnograph a) uses b) types c) problems
Write short notes on: (5×10=50 marks)
Pulse oximeter a) uses b) parts c) problems
Oxygen concentrator
Fail Safe System
Anesthesia flow meter
Modes of ventilation
Compare between Jackson Rees Circuit & Bain Circuit
Different type of LMA
Nerve stimulator
Central gas supply
Compare Bain circuit & paediatric circuit (J-R)
SECTION A (5×10=50)
I Write short notes on :
a. Fibreoptic bronchoscope - parts, maintenance and sterilization
b. APL valve - diagram, uses, three other names.
c. Humidifiers
d. Checking of Anaesthesia machine .
e. Diagram of circle absorbent system, parts and maintenance .
f. Capnography - describe, draw normal capnogram and different types of sampling
g. Spinal needle-different types, parts, uses
h. Nebulizers
i. Surgical diathermy apparatus
j. Electrical hazards in OT
SECTION B (5×10=50)
II Write short notes on :
a. Scavenging system
b. Defibrillator
c. Mapleson circuit
d. Nasogastric tube, different markings and uses
e. Vaporizers
f. Ambu bag
g. Oxygenators in Cardiopulmonary bypass
h. LMA - parts of classical LMA, different types, methods of sterilization
i. Oxygen cylinders-safety features, different types, identity parts with diagram
j. Pulse oximetry - normal wave form, principle and uses
Paper II
Paper I
SECTION – A (5×10= 50)
Write Short Notes On:
Gas plasma sterilization
Neuromuscular Junction,
Cerebrospinal fluid
Define Anaesthesia, Classify different types of Anaesthesia
Lignocaine hydrochloride
Basic life support
SECTION-B (10×5=50)
II Write Short Notes On:
Normal ECG
Universal precautions
Cartilaginous structure of Larynx
Fasting regime for adult before anaesthesia
Blood pressure monitoring
Compare colloids & crystalloids
50% Dextrose
End tidal CO2